Nueneltiomidd Admin replied

295 weeks ago

The Host Full Movie Hd 1080p

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a5c7b9f00b A race of non-corporeal, parasitic aliens who go from planet to planet looking for hosts have come to Earth and basically taken over the human race. It's believed that, once inside a body, all memories of the host human are gone. Some few free humans remain hidden from them, forming a resistance group. When an alien Seeker captures a girl named Melanie and puts a Wanderer in her body, she hopes to find out where the remaining humans are gathered, but Melanie, a strong fighter able to converse with the alien in her commandeered body, convinces the Wanderer to say nothing. Disappointed by the lack of progress (though suspecting an empathy for the human), the Seeker informs the Wanderer that she'll be removed and placed in a new host while she herself will enter Melanie. With human lives at risk, Melanie convinces Wanderer to run away and hide out with the humans, but finding them doesn't mean they'll allow an alien presence among them. Jared (Melanie's boyfriend) wants her dead, but Jeb (Melanie's uncle) wants to wait, and Ian, tasked with guarding her, finds himself siding with Jeb. As Ian begins to fall for Melanie, a strange love triangle develops, with Ian wanting Wanderer (inhabiting Melanie's body), Jared wanting Melanie (imprisoned inside her own body), and no one knowing any way to separate the two without killing both.
When an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking over their bodies and erasing their memories, Melanie will risk everything to protect the people she cares most about, proving that love can conquer all in a dangerous new world.
So I went to go see the movie 'THE HOST' tonite with my buddy at the Capitol 6 Theater downtown…. First off, they started the film early so we missed at least 5 minutes of it, but otherwise it was one of those movies that pretty much shows the pivotal moment and then goes '3 weeks earlier' in not so many words. (Not my fave type of starting for sure).<br/><br/>From the trailer I anticipated the film to be a crackling sci-fi chase movie, but then I remembered it is a movie based on Twilight author Stephenie Meyers' latest book, so to expect hot guys, romance and and cheesy dialogue. I was intrigued by the 'Body Snatchers' style storyline and futuristic gadgetry and vehicles (the bad guys' cars, and other assorted vehicles were completely chrome plated which was wickedly awesome)wellthe medical side, filled with fancy gizmos to heal the wounded. Basically it is about a girl who is symbiotically attached to an alien matrix, but the alien doesn't get complete control, so it creates a kind of comical relationship between the body and the mind.<br/><br/>Not to give much away, most of the movie takes place in the desert somewhere, where the last human colony lives, but unfortunately the colony living area was pretty bombastic and preposterous and didn't make any real world sense. The male leads are gorgeous but add very little to the story and frankly have very little to do with anything other than to show up and kiss the lead actress or slap her around. (I was happy to know the primary stud was named JARED but he ended up just being a doe-eyed secondary character with little impact on the main storyline).<br/><br/>I found the movie to be sweet all in all, a cute kiddie romance movie with a sci-fi edge, the lead actress is very convincinga sort of ' sad princess ', emoting with teary eyes throughout, but it is so SLOW GOING it almost put me to sleep… the attempt at 'action scenes' were very downplayed and snoozywell, and didn't really add anything to the story either.<br/><br/>I admitted to my buddy that it wouldn't have been my first choice but it WAS slightly better than the last snoozer we saw called BEAUTIFUL CREATURES. That isn't saying much but its better than nothing.<br/><br/>6 out of 10. Snooze fest, but tweens would like it. And I would LOVE it if someone bought me one of those chrome LOTUS sport cars! — Jared Nil
I absolutely fell in love with the book and then to have the movie resemble so many moments with the same amount of detail was great. Saoirse was perfect for Melanie and what made this movie so perfect was how truly pure the love between Ian and Wanda was because after all he ,Ian the human loved her, the soul called wanderer. It's a little sad that some of the most beautiful lines from the book didn't make it into the movie but I still loved it
The movie, based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer of “Twilight” fame and directed by Andrew Niccol, is just kind of dumb. Like the more famous books and movies, about a love triangle between a vampire, a werewolf and a human girl, it often plays like a teenage girl’s idea of how literary romances play out.

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last edited 216 weeks ago by Nueneltiomidd
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